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Top Tips When Marketing a Taboo Brand

I like talking about things that are taboo because it makes them not taboo any more." said Sarah Silverman, expressing a sentiment at the heart of much advertising that challenges difficult or sensitive subjects.

It is arguably one of the strongest manifestations of advertising for social good, reflecting our
industry’s power to catalyse debate, challenge prejudice and confront uncomfortable issues. 

However, dealing with sensitive topics isn’t easy, particularly when a brand has to do it out of necessity rather than choice because it operates in a considered sensitive/taboo category. 

You face many issues when your brand is considered taboo, causing offence, incredibly unclear paid promotion rules or maybe even trying collaborate with mainstream brands where they think they will somehow be damaged by association. There are many difficulties a brand faces when they take on tricky subject matters... Or are the tricky subject matter. Which, of course, begs the question: how do you do it successfully?

Make us laugh

Humour is a great ice-breaker. Neuroscientist Sophie Scott, who researches the social role of humour, explains that, as well as being an involuntary response to something funny, laughter also plays an important role in breaking tension, showing people that you agree with them and that you’re part of the same social group. From the Bob Monkhouse campaign for Prostate Research to Tena Men, it’s a proven strategy for engaging people on sensitive issues. Many sex toy companies go down the humour route such as Kandid on social media, with such strict rules (Can’t link your website if it predominately sells sex toys, can’t show anything slightly suggestive… A real banana included… The lists goes on) it is close to impossible for them to promote their products and instead have to create a buzz (no pun intended) around the brand some other way.

Be authentic

If you’ve read another article on this site, you’ve read the importance of authenticity. Being "authentic" is standard advice for any brand these days, but even more important for brands portraying sensitive issues. Enabling people to tell their stories in their own words and working closely with expert partners are both successful strategies to build authenticity. Nike’s ad starred transgender athlete Chris Mosier, while Mars and Abbott Mead Vickers BBDO worked with Scope for the Maltesers campaign featuring people with disabilities.

Create cognitive dissonance

Refuge’s campaign highlighting domestic violence features beauty blogger Lauren Luke teaching viewers how to cover up bruising in a spoof video. By contrasting the shocking nature of the subject matter with the more frivolous appeal of beauty blogs, it forces us to engage with the issue by subverting a familiar genre. 

Confront the issue head-on

Simply by putting an issue into the public domain stimulates debate and challenges attitudes. Trailblazers such as Benetton, which tackled subjects from Aids to racism in its work, and Queer company’s pioneering campaign, which portrayed lesbian and gay couples, did this to great effect. You will never please everyone with any marketing campaign, if you’re prepped for the higher chance of backlash and are confident in your campaign, you shouldn’t let this worry you.

Find partners that share your vision

One lesson from our experience is to find partners that share a brands vision. The subject matter, however important and relevant, will not be to every brand’s taste. You need to find people who see the world as you do, with a shared passion for the issue and are comfortable to go public to support you.

Tackling taboos through advertising remains, somewhat ironically, a taboo subject. But, done well, it can un-doubtedly be a force for good: shaping opinion, changing behaviour and helping us confront important but uncomfortable truths. 

Honest London has worked with what is considered ‘taboo’ brands, if you would like help whether it be marketing, PR or strategy. We’d love for you to get in touch!

Written by Ashley