Are You Making This Popular SEO Mistake?

SEO mistake

One of the most common queries I hear from new clients is how they are writing blogs daily and including a certain amount of keywords throughout, yet shocked at their lack of organic traffic increase. I ask every time how they promoted the content expecting and hearing the same response of “I didn’t” or “I shared it on our company page.”

You could be producing 1000 blogs a month and I can assure you, your traffic wouldn’t increase that much. If your traffic does slightly increase, I’m unfortunately confident 95% of those users will not turn into leads. Don’t believe me? Please prove me wrong.

Just writing content on your website, does not guarantee success in SEO.

ONE.. I repeat, one blog per week is plenty for your brand, clients are shocked when I suggest this but please hear me out. There is so much content out there, we’re talking over a billion… Not a million but a billion blog posts… A billion and one including this one! That’s one blog post for every 7 people in the world.

There’s simply far too many blogs and far too much content, so instead of focussing on content like everyone else, spend your valuable time focussing on promoting your content. Let's say you are writing a blog on your top ten coffee shops in London. Promote your blog where it will reach the target audience, find Facebook groups of local meet ups, coffee enthusiasts… Try Reddit, is there a subreddit all about enjoying coffee? Post in the London subreddit! Research popular coffee related hashtags for when you post on your business/blog social media channels. The possibilities of promoting your blog are endless.

Write one piece of content and make sure it’s good, take the 80:20 rule. Spend 80% of your time promoting the content and 20% writing it. When you try this, I guarantee that you will achieve a lot more traction and interest.

I have experimented by writing far too much and little content on websites and achieving nothing in return. I am confident I have figured the best way to improve your SEO through the use of blogs, bringing the right audience to your site and improving website traffic drastically simply by focussing on the promotion of the blog over the amount of blogs produced.

I can guarantee that any blog written, five of that blog on that subject matter already exists. How do you expect potential readers/customers to find your blog if you’re not promoting it? Trust me here, give it a go and enjoy your new traffic!

What SEO techniques have flopped for you? 

If you are interested to hear how Honest London can help you improve your SEO results, let's have a chat.

Written by Clara

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