FAQ: The hard truths of social media and agencies

Is relying solely on a social media agency sufficient to ensure the success of my new brand?

While we're confident in our capabilities, we caution any budding startup against placing their brand's entire success on a single agency's shoulders. If it were that simple, we'd have founded 50 businesses ourselves by now. For a startup to truly thrive, it's undeniable that social media plays a significant role in today's landscape. However, it's just one piece of the puzzle. An exceptional website, robust SEO, impactful out-of-home (OOH) marketing, strategic email campaigns, and more are all essential components to ensure holistic growth and success.

Is it reasonable to set sales goals based solely on a social media agency's efforts?

In brief, no.

To elaborate, the journey from a potential customer to a confirmed sale encompasses myriad factors. While compelling social content is crucial, it's only a fraction of what drives sales. Considerations like: Is your website user-friendly and effective in showcasing your products? Does your brand have a positive online reputation? Is your brand imagery captivating? Are you complementing social efforts with other marketing strategies? And importantly, are you upholding your end of our collaborative strategy?

While we pride ourselves on crafting exceptional content for our clientele, it would be oversimplified to claim that this alone guarantees sales. Successful conversions depend on a holistic business approach, not just social media.

Is it realistic to bank on a specific number of followers and likes?

A few years back? Maybe. But social media's landscape has shifted big time. Just chasing followers isn't the game anymore. Think of it like this: it's not about how many people are at your party, but how many are actually dancing and enjoying the music. That's where CTR and engagement come in. If you're only counting heads (or followers, in this case), then maybe a social media agency isn't the right fit for you. A lot now depends on playing nice with those tricky algorithms, and merely having a big following doesn't always spell 'success' for a brand.

I get it, it sounds a bit odd. We're still wrapping our heads around it too. Of course, seeing your follower count rise feels good, but it doesn't automatically mean your brand is hitting the right notes.  

While we employ strategies to increase your presence, the exact number of followers or likes is unpredictable. It's about quality over quantity; genuine engagement is more valuable than just numbers.

Will I see immediate results after hiring a social media agency?

Not necessarily. Like any marketing strategy, social media requires time, testing, and adjustments. Immediate spikes might happen, but sustainable growth is often gradual.

Can a social media agency make any content go viral?

No agency can promise virality. While we can craft high-quality, engaging content, virality often depends on timing, cultural context, and a bit of luck.

Is a bigger budget always better for social media campaigns?

Not always. A well-targeted, creative campaign can outperform a big-budget one that's poorly executed or targeted.

Do I still need other forms of marketing if I'm investing in social media?

Absolutely. Social media is just one piece of the puzzle. A holistic marketing strategy, integrating both online and offline tactics, often yields the best results.

If a campaign isn't performing well, is it always the agency's fault?

Not always. Many factors can affect a campaign's performance, including market shifts, platform algorithm changes, or even global events. Collaboration and open communication are key to navigating challenges.

We’re honest, we’ll let you know if we think it’s on us.

Are all social media platforms suitable for my brand?

Not necessarily. Different platforms cater to different demographics and content types. An agency can help identify the best platforms for your brand's goals and target audience.

Lauren BeechingComment