Let's talk about Dynamic Content

Dynamic content Honest London Agency

So, what is Dynamic Content?

Simply put, the right place with the right messaging at the right time…. Also known as “adaptive” or “smart”, dynamic content has drastically changed the way to reach and engage users within the digital marketing world.

Using dynamic content takes personalisation to the next level by giving us the ability to customise a message, call-to-action (CTA), image, value offer, etc. for each user based on what is already known about the user, such as gender, age, or IP address. This is in order to provide the most relevant and timely content to the user.

Right people: Know your audience or who you’re aiming to reach.

Right place: Have your content appear on the right network, platform, site, etc.

Right time: Knowing when to send personalised reminder emails, retargeting ads, etc. (This is the all-important personalisation piece!)

There are many ways to utilise dynamic content; here are 4 of Honest London’s top recommendations to discover how you can use dynamic content and further increase relevancy and engagement:

Personas & Target Audiences

Dynamic content can be utilised in order to tailor the messaging for a brand’s unique persona or target audiences. You can develop a variety of messages in order to align with your personas or desired audiences to ensure the right message is delivered to the right user at the right time. These personas or audiences can then be segmented and applied to paid campaigns, email, and your overall marketing strategy.


There are multiple platforms like Google Ads, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. which utilise a form of dynamic content called dynamic ads (also referred to as dynamic creative or dynamic banners).

Dynamic ads are commonly used in remarketing campaigns, since users have already visited the site, the remarketing ad can then be tailored to the user and their journey. For instance, on a dynamic remarketing ad you might adjust the CTA to better align with what the user is looking for and encourage them to return to the site or complete a desired action or goal.

You can also use dynamic ads within your paid campaigns. Once you’ve segmented your personas or defined your audiences, you can run campaigns targeting people within a persona. This allows you to further personalise the messaging and ensure you are showing relevant ads to that specific audience. Implementing lookalike or similar audiences on top of your targeting is also a great way to show ads to users who may not have been to your site but are likely interested in your product or service.

This is an effective way to reach new users who have similar browsing history to or are similar to previous site visitors who have already completed the desired goal or action.


It’s not rare to see increasing unsubscribes and low engagement when it comes to email marketing. In order to combat that, you need create compelling messages which users want to open and read. These emails need to be extremely personalised and relevant to the user.

Similar to setting up a paid campaign, your email lists should be segmented by audience or persona in order to direct the right content to the right audience. You can then set up unique email workflows for each audience and include only emails that would be relevant to that specific audience.

Instead of creating dozens of emails and adjusting the messaging for all, you can utilise dynamic content and setup triggers for when specific content should be displayed. For instance, you can setup a trigger for names and CTA, this will then dynamically pull in the name of the user and adjust the CTA based on their segmented audience.

When used efficiently, not only will dynamic email marketing enhance a user’s experience and increase engagement but it will act as an effective lead nurturing strategy.

Landing Pages

Dynamic content can also be used for landing pages, allowing different elements on the pages to display unique imagery, headlines, copy, etc. customised for the user. Utilising dynamic content on a conversion-optimised landing page can lead to increased conversions and conversion rate.

The content on the page should adjust to best match the intent of the user based on either A- what they’ve searched for or B- what audience the user is segmented into.

There are multiple ways to setup dynamic landing pages based on where your page or site is built, and which CRM, CMS, or dynamic platform you’re using.

As personalisation becomes increasingly prominent and even expected from users, dynamic content can be used within a variety of marketing strategies in order to improve the user experience and increase engagement and performance.

Written by Clara

If your brand needs some honest help with its digital marketing or needing a bespoke website, make sure to get in touch! We’d love to help you out.